Winters mean cosiness, warm blankets, hot drinks, and cuddling. In parts of the world where it snows, winters also bring a lot of fun games and sporting events. So you can enjoy the winter fun and, at the same time, remember to protect yourself against the chill. We all take extra care to give warmth and comfort to the body, and hair also needs equal attention in winter. In this blog, let us understand how to take care of dandruff and hair fall in winter whilst enjoying the season.
How do winters affect the hair?
Just like skin, hair health also changes as the season’s change. Winter air is quite dry, which absorbs all the scalp’s moisture. This results in a dry and itchy scalp. Dry scalp results in dandruff and more than normal hair loss. Hair loss is because dry hair easily gets damaged and breaks. Those who maintain healthy hair in other seasons also should take extra care to avoid dandruff and hair fall.
How to combat dandruff and hair fall in winter?
Gentle brushing
Remember that winter hair is more dry than usual, so be gentle with your hair while brushing, especially soon after a hair wash. It’s best not to comb wet hair immediately. Instead, let it dry out a little till it is damp, and then air dry it rather than using a dryer. For regular brushing, use a wide-tooth brush with smooth-coated prongs spaced wide apart. While brushing, hold the hair at the bottom and slowly untangle the ends. Slowly move the hands up and brush the hair in small chunks. Brush the ends below your hand to get rid of tangles on the end. Once you reach the top, hold the hair firmly at the roots and brush till the bottom.
Avoid colouring and bleaching.
Bleaching, lightening, or lifting is harmful to the hair since they penetrate the hair strands and break down your hair’s fatty acids and natural proteins. If you still want to look stylish, try partial highlights or lowlights.
Avoid these hairstyles in winter.
Pulling the hair back really tight with a band or a clip will break it. Using a rubber band on a bun, tight braids and twists can bend and damage the hair. Instead, opt for smooth and soft hairstyles. Choose natural fabric bands than rubber bands because the latter will pull the hair when removing them.
Hair wash routine for winters
Oiling and conditioning the hair is the best way to keep it moist in the dry weather of winter. An oily hair can be washed regularly, and apply a conditioner according to your hair type.
Regular hair trim
One can trim their hair once every 6 weeks so that the damaged ends are cut. Unfortunately, the damaged ends get tangled, leading to further hair loss.
Healthy hair needs a healthy diet.
For good hair, health consumes food rich in iron, vitamin D, vitamin C and, sometimes, vitamin A. especially Vitamin-H, Biotin is very good for healthy hair and nails.
Pamper your hair with oil massages
A good oil massage for the scalp maintains the moisture and makes you feel very relaxed. Olive oil or almond oil is very good for massage. Add camphor to the oil while massaging to get rid of dandruff. When the scalp has moisture, then automatically, dandruff also reduces.
Stay hydrated
Most people do not drink enough water in winters. But prinking plenty of water will keep you hydrated from inside. A hydrated hair is nurturing, shiny, radiant with no split ends.
Wash hair with lukewarm water
Too much heat in the water will damage the hair, and while drying, you will see a lot of hair fall. Limit the use of curling iron and other styling equipment.
Opt for a cotton towel
There are a lot of fancy towels in the market, but they might roughen up the scalp, making it prone to dandruff. The best is to use a pure cotton towel or a clean cotton t-shirt, saree etc.
Try alternates to sugar.
Excess sugar in the diet causes oily flakes on the scalp, which increases dandruff. Replace sugar with honey or jaggery.
Other home remedy tips
Apple Cider Vinegar and water-Take equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and water. Spray it on your hair after shampoo and after 5 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.
Honey and Lemon mix -Add a few drops of Lemon to 3 spoons of honey. Apply this mixture on the scalp, leave it for 15 minutes and then shampoo your hair.
At HairSure International, we give expert advice on how to take care of your hair in every season. By following these simple tips, you can enjoy the beautiful winters and shiny hair too !!!