SHI-Simultaneous Harvesting and Implantation


shi hair transplant in hyderabad

Simultaneous Harvesting and Implantation is a newly introduced technique of hair transplant procedure that reduces the time that is generally consumed in the standardized procedures of hair transplantation. SHI is unique because it involves implanting the grafts into the recipient sites that are placed prior to harvesting hair from the donor area. After the recipient site preparation, harvesting the grafts from the donor area and their implantation into the already prepared recipient sites will be done simultaneously. This results in the grafts staying outside the body for a minimal time. SHI has 5 to 6 hair transplant surgeons who devise the action plan for the surgery together and then perform as a team simultaneously which reduces the operation time to 5 to 6 hrs for planting almost 3000 grafts.

Below are a few advantages of SHI hair transplantation in hyderabad:

  • The grafts are outside the body for a very minimal time.
  • There is a drastic reduction of operating time.
  • The grafts which are placed by this SHI do not shed off initially like the ones placed by other routine methods, therefore these start to grow directly and the results begin to show within two weeks.