1 in 4, this is the average number of men who start losing hair due to male baldness before the age of 30. You are not alone, to bother; that’s unusual. It is a common phenomenon.
Hair loss is a different experience for each individual, and if you don’t care about hair loss, that’s no problem. It is not always worth the stress for all.
Healthy shiny hair gives a beautiful appearance for men and women. Healthy hair changes the presence of a person and brings self-confidence. What if your hair becomes thin or bald? It can be a scary situation, especially if you are young and single.
Every third of five men have hair loss problems for various reasons. This problem is not limited to men. Even women also face this problem. Young people, both men and women, are faced with this problem.
It might be right for some men, but don’t forget the other side of the coin: men who look bad when bald. If you consider yourself part of this group, you should find treatment, especially when you are young. Although there are many reasons why men lose hair, there are also many treatment options that help men deal with hair loss. This article provided by Hairsure Clinic will help you with the above concerns.
Reasons for Hair Loss in Men:
Men can experience baldness or hair loss due to various reasons. Although there are many causes of hair loss, the most likely cause is genetics. Determining whether genetics or other cause hair loss can help determine the best treatment. Baldness in men is the most common and caused due to hereditary disease.
It can start at puberty or develop much later in life. It often happens gradually and predictably, affecting the temple and the front of the scalp in the centre. Most often, the man has a horseshoe bald hair pattern. Inheritance affects how fast, at what age and to what extent a person experiences baldness. Male pattern baldness inherited hair that is sensitive to DHT, a hormone that can shorten the lifespan of an individual hair follicle. Some common causes of hair loss in men are:
- Scalp Infections
- Hormonal changes
- Patchy hair loss
- Skin disorders
- Hair-pulling disorder
- Medication
- Radiation treatment
- Hairstyles or treatments
- Natural triggers
If you are looking for a hair loss solution, you have opened on the right blog. Hairsure Clinic experts have found the absolute best way to prevent hair loss in men.
- Medications
- Nutrition and lifestyle
- Hair transplantation
An inadmissible truth: Hair loss is primarily out of our control. Baldness depends on your genes. If you have genetic, there are natural remedies that can make hair stronger, firmer, and slow down hair fall, but don’t stop from alopecia if you keep your hair healthy by taking proper nutrients, using the right kind of products. Also combined with medical procedures – can work together to give you fuller, thicker hair.
Several solutions solve the problem, but many are not yet available as treatments for hair loss.
Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes:
Nutritional disorders are often the cause of hair loss. The wrong diet can cause a lack of macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates), and trace elements (vitamins and minerals). These, in turn, can make your body unhealthy and cause hair loss. To maintain the overall health and well-being of your hair, add some or all of the following to your diet regularly:
- Eat red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables (such as carrots, sweet potatoes, peppers and melons) packed with vitamin A or beta-carotene. Several studies have shown that vitamin A promotes cell growth and health, including hair follicles.
- Promote healthy hair by eating fatty fish (like salmon and sardines) full of omega-3 fatty acids.
- Eat yoghurt and other foods that are rich in vitamin B5 and can improve the circulation of your scalp and thus increase hair growth.
- Take spinach salad is rich in vitamin A, iron, folic acid, and vitamin C. This vitamin and mineral smoothie ensures healthy scalp and hair.
- Make sure you get enough protein by eating lean meat (such as chicken or turkey), low-fat milk, and high-protein vegetables (like beans). Hair is made up of protein molecule called keratin, and therefore suitable food proteins are needed to nourish hair.
- Eat foods that contain vitamin B7 (also known as biotin), which can increase hair growth. Foods include eggs, fortified cereals, dairy products and chicken.
- Eat high zinc foods such as oysters, lobster and fortified cereals. Zinc deficiency can cause hair loss.
So keep this in mind, and you need to make sure you get enough of this mineral from your daily diet. And follow some lifestyle changes such as:
- Follow health guidelines for exercise and sleep
- Reduce stress to encourage hair growth
- Stop smoking
The doctor prescribes these by seeing the conditions and causes of your hair fall.
It rejuvenates and increases the blood circulation around diminish hair follicles, causing them to grow in size and thicken. It also prolongs the growth phase of each follicle to increase hair growth.
It is the only hair loss treatment that is FDA-approved. Men and women can use this, and the brand name is Rogaine. It is a topical treatment, usually available in liquid or foam form and available at pharmacies.
It is a prescription drug which is also approved by the FDA for the treatment of hair loss. Hair loss in the male pattern occurs when a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) prevents hair follicles from getting the nutrients they need. Finasteride blocks the production of DHT, which protects follicles.
To cover the bald head try at least one product to protect your hair. Although many products are designed to prevent hair loss, it is sometimes difficult to say which should be trusted and which should discard.
Hair Transplantation:
Hair transplantation is a small surgical procedure that is very specific to men and women who permanently redistribute hair follicles that live and grow in areas of hair loss.
Hair follicles are taken from the back of the head using the latest and best method: no excision, no scars, no bleeding. In the areas of hair loss, the body (face, eyebrows, eyelashes, breasts, pubic area, etc.) where the hair is needed or desired.
Hair loss or hereditary hair loss – hair transplant procedures can restore mental and physical beauty and confidence.
Hair transplant methods allow natural and lasting results. The transplanted hair is similar to real hair but provides for healthy growth after surgery. It is the most effective solution for dealing with hair loss, for styling your hair and overall appearance in a young and healthy condition.
Hair transplantation is an outpatient procedure that is usually done under local anaesthesia. The technically and artistically necessary procedures are carried out by an expert team of doctors surgeons and, as a rule, specialist and highly qualified nurses also involved in the procedure.
Permanent hair follicles are collected from the back of the head (donor area) using a semi-automatic machine (0.7, 0.8) mm for the scalp and scalp using FUE technology or FUT technology.
Hairsure Clinic Special technique in Hair transplantation:
Hairsure clinic does hair transplantation with the latest technology known as FUE or FUT. This technique has no side effects and is entirely safe. It is a permanent, safe and lasting treatment for hair. After hair growth is complete, you can cut your hair or even shave your hair thoroughly. Hair grows normally.
Pre Surgical:
Wash your hair with surgical soap before surgery, the night before surgery and on the morning of the operation, and do not use oil, lotion, soap or other cosmetics. Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen) 14 days before surgery and tell your doctor about all the other prescription drugs you use.
Post Surgical:
A complete scalp repair usually takes one to two weeks. The surgical area may remain sensitive for 4 to 5 days. After surgery, avoid using hair oil, gels and sprays for two weeks. Medical hair washing is done on the 4th day after surgery by our specialist staff. Besides, avoid wearing helmets, hats, T-shirts, or other clothing that can rub the scalp within two weeks after surgery. During this time, the doctor recommends a button-down shirt. Hair growth begins after 12 to 16 weeks and usually lasts 8 to 12 months until final cosmetic results achieved.
Difference between FUE and FUT:
There are some essential differences in the scars left after the FUT and FUE procedures in the donor area.
With FUT, the strip is removed from the centre of the donor area and then sewn or stitched leaving one, and the scar is usually right. Although we can see this when wearing very short hair, it is generally covered with hair and is not visible.
If someone had a FUT hair transplant, the patient has only one linear scar, regardless of the number of FUT procedures.
In FUE, the small white scars left after the procedure may be challenging to recognize, even with short hair. It makes FUE popular among people who cut their hair or have very short hairstyles. However, if the patient wants a second or third FUE procedure, a scar from the next procedure is added to the original procedure. This scar can distort adjacent follicular units and complicate subsequent sessions. It is an additional factor that limits the total donor supply available at FUE.
The above are the three best treatments for hair loss in men. But follow the procedure as per doctor suggestion but, the best treatment is hair transplantation.
In the end, you and your doctor can choose between performing the FUE and FUT procedures. Your doctor will help you with decisions based on the classification of hair loss, the size of the thin area, and the quality and quantity of donor hair available.
There is no technology that is suitable for everyone. Hairsure clinic surgeons have extensive training in both techniques and can, therefore, offer you impartial techniques. Consult with a Hairsure clinic surgeon to discuss what might be better for your specific situation.
For more information about Hairsure clinic or to schedule a meeting with our doctors, please contact to arrange a consultation.