People of all generations are leading busy lives in the present day. As a result, a very common issue they all face is hair loss, which is common at a very young age. Men face hair loss issues during their early 20s, and in women, hair starts thinning during their menopause. Due to hair loss, they start losing their self-esteem and look older than their age. There are numerous reasons for hair loss, such as lifestyle, diet, medical conditions, medications, and trauma. People suffering from Alopecia areata, diabetes and high BP are not recommended for hair transplant.
Why do people prefer hair transplants?
Female-pattern is caused by hormone imbalance, and age factors play a key role. In contrast to male-pattern baldness, female-pattern baldness involves all-over thinning that maintains a normal hairline. Men’s and women’s hair thinning and hair loss are quite different, and it is characterized by fading hairline or M-shaped pattern of loss that is complete baldness, whereas, in women, the hair loss is subtle and slow that begins at the crown of the head, not at the hairline.
Understanding Hair Transplantation in general
The hair transplant procedures are 200 years old and improvised with the latest technology. The doctors examine the donor’s hair quality, hair loss pattern, and the size of the balding area before the hair transplant. The doctors follow two main processes. In both of these procedures, the surgeon removes a strip of healthy hair from the scalp of the head and cuts into portions placed in the balding portions.
In the FUE procedure, the surgeon extracts hair follicles from the donor area and then implants them delicately into the holes of the bald area. The surgeon can implant several strands of hair in a single session. The cut scalp is covered with gauze or bandages for a few days post-surgery.
In the FUT procedure, the surgeon cuts a strip of incision several inches long, and the follicular unit is then transplanted. Then the incisions are stitched.
The hair transplant surgery takes about 4 to 8 hours. Before surgery, the hair is removed, so the scalp is ready for surgery. If the patient is undergoing a large amount of hair transplant, he must come for a few hours the next day. The patient is given anaesthesia just to the scalp to make it numb. Mostly the patients will be awake during the procedure. After the treatment, the patients need to take the doctor’s prescription. The patients should avoid going into the sun for about a week, as the sun’s rays can change the pigmentation of the skin, decolourization and darkening of the scars. Initially, they feel tightness and itching on the scalp, but this discomfort is temporary. Initially, the newly implanted hair falls off after 2 or 3 months of surgery which is quite common. It takes about 4 months for the hair to grow naturally and 12 months for complete recovery. It completely depends from person to person.
When is the best time for hair transplant age-wise?
The advisable age for hair transplant is 25 years and up to 75 years. The early 20s are not advisable as the patient tends to lose hair even after transplant with age, which looks highly unnatural as it leaves behind the transplanted strips. Consequently, the patient has to redo the transplant, and there are major chances that the donor may not sustain a healthy growth pattern over time. The preliminary transplant can add density to the hair but needs additional treatment over the years. When patient is in their 20s, the severity or pattern of their hair loss may not be fully determined yet. So the most recommended age for a hair transplant is around 40 or above. However, age is not the only determining factor your surgeon will consider hair loss pattern, size of the balding portion, quality of hair in the donor area, and so on.
As age progresses, the amount and quality of hair in the donor area also becomes crucial. As mentioned above, for a successful hair transplant surgery, healthy hair follicles near the donor area are crucial. Approximately 7,000 to 8,000 grafts are usually needed for hair transplants.
Why Can’t I Get A Hair Transplant At 21?
When someone in their 20s is experiencing hair loss, they become eager to undergo a hair transplant to look their best. But we at HairSure International do not advise that since hair loss is a progressive condition, patients tend to lose more hair as the years progress. As they grow older, they may continue to lose their hair with age, leaving behind just the permanent strip of transplanted hair, which looks highly unnatural. In such cases, using over-the-counter medicines can treat hair loss in youngsters. Once you reach the age of 40, you have complete or partial hair loss, and the cause of hair loss is also well established. This will help diagnose, and the surgeon can suggest the best treatment option.
Every year about 6,50,000 people choose to get a hair transplant. According to the latest statistics, 85.7% of men are undergoing a hair transplant. With the latest technologies, hair transplant is safe with fast recovery, and even the side effects are minimal. The hair transplant treatment is a permanent and perfect solution for hair thinning.
We at HairSure International cover all types of Hair transplant treatments for all age groups. Contact us today at 040- 40 020202, 9494020202, or visit our website