Hair Transplant is a very popular procedure. What comes along with popularity is fraudulence and folklore. You can find a hair transplant clinic nearly as frequently as a hair salon. Needless to say, most of them are not authorized clinics and hence, the surgeries are not performed by qualified experts. No wonder, the arena of hair transplant is flooded with various negative myths.
One of the most common myths is that ‘hair transplant does not work’ or ‘hair transplant does not last long’. Let’s debunk this myth today!
The general report from the doctors suggest 90-95% of the transplanted hair grows as expected. However, the patient satisfaction is even higher. Almost 98% patients give a positive feedback. This can be credited to the fact that hair has a big impact on our psychological health.
But no matter how perfect the success rates are, if you are going for a hair transplant surgery, you are always going to worry if you would fall would make the list of unfortunate people, if you belong to the unlucky 2%. Hence, it is important that you know a little bit about what influences the success rate of a hair transplant surgery.
Here are a few things that you need to consider.
Find The Best Doctor.
The first and the foremost thing you have to do is find the best doctor. Don’t get tempted with low prices and flashy advertisements. Do your research patiently and minutely. Look for proper qualifications, expertise and patient reviews. If possible talk to the patients and ask them about their experience at a clinic. You would be surprised if you could see what difference a qualified trichologist can bring over a self-certified ‘hair transplant surgery expert’ but surely, you would not want to go to the latter.
Are You A Good Candidate?
When you go to a trichologist, he or she would ideally run a series of tests on you and ask you a ton of questions about your and your family’s medical history. He or she will also ask you about your lifestyle choices. All these things are very important to figure out if you are a good candidate. If you doctors says that you are not a good candidate for a hair transplant surgery, there is no point in getting a transplant. You could consider taking a second opinion but forcing yourself into the surgery or trying to talk your doctor into giving you a hair transplant will be of no point.
What Factors Reduce The Rate Of Success?
If you have a chronic disease like HIV, if you are a smoker or if you have genetic conditions, then there are chances that your hair transplant surgery will not yield as much for you as it would do to other people. Age is also a factor. Let’s say you have started experiencing hair loss and therefore, you get a hair transplant surgery immediately. This way, you will keep losing hair even after the surgery – not the transplanted hair, but you original hair might still be falling off. In such a scenario, you might not always understand which hair you are losing.
Mind The Aftercare Of Hair Transplant Surgery.
No doctor can help you if you don’t understand and follow the aftercare rules. If you start scratching the transplanted area or start washing them right away or go on skiing in the Sun, the hair transplant surgery is bound to fail.
How Long Does The Surgery Last?
Hair transplant surgery is a permanent solution. Ideally, it should last lifelong unless something else, some other health issue sets. Plus, if you suffer from pattern hair loss, it is possible you will gradually face hair loss again, just like with your natural hair.
Set Your Expectations Right.
Your expectations from a hair transplant surgery should be realistic. Understand that the hair that is transplanted on your scalp or face or eyebrow or eyelash, does not come from the lab; it comes from your own body. And not every hair can be used everywhere. Hence, there is a limit to how thick or dense your transplanted hair might look like.
A hair transplant surgery is said to be successful, if at least 90% and preferably 95-98% of the transplanted hair survive and grow like natural hair. It is also measured in terms of patient satisfaction. While the first way of measurement gives you an absolute figure, the second way is very much relative. This is why it all depends on how you see it.
If you want to go for a surgery, be absolutely sure about it and go with a free mind because, did I mention, stress has a negative effect on the results! (Just kidding).
About The Clinic:
HairSure is one of the leading hair clinics at Habsiguda, Hyderabad and we have the best hair transplant surgeons in Hyderabad practising at HairSure. Trichologists at the HairSure clinic are experts in hair transplantation and PRP treatment etc. Two of our leading doctors are known to be the best trichologists in Hyderabad.