In today’s Hair Transplantation market, where there are new budding hair transplant centres every day, you should be vigilant which one to choose from and to find the best hair transplant centre.
Nowadays, people face a lot of hair loss, and everyone wants to have nice hair and look beautiful. Hair transplantation is a surgical method of removing your hair and keeping your hair looking natural. It would be best if you opt for a hair transplant from a trained and experienced hair transplant surgeon for a natural look. Many questions arise such as “How to choose the best hair transplant clinic ?”.
Don’t worry, Hairsure Clinic hair transplant surgeons, Hyderabad, are here to answer your questions about why a hair transplant clinic is the best choice for you.
The essential factor is finalizing your hair transplant is first the doctor. Choosing the Best Hair Transplant surgeon is the most important decision, and how that decision should be made is explained here with a few valuable points.
Factors to consider while choosing the best hair transplant clinic:
A best hair transplant centre title is dependent on various factors. It is very difficult to pinpoint one centre which can fulfil all these criteria but rounding on one or two who can check most of these boxes could be an easier task.
Doctor Credentials:
The first factor in the most important one is the credentials of the person doing the surgery. You certainly wouldn’t want to place your head into the hands of a technician who doesn’t have basic surgical training or for that matter is not a doctor on the first hand. One needs to be careful in finding out who the doctor is, at that particular centre and make sure you meet him and get your condition evaluated by him. Don’t get scammed by people who are not doctors.
Doctors Experience:
The next criterion would be the experience of the doctor doing hair transplant surgery. Not every doctor is trained in doing a hair transplant surgery and the learning curve to do a transplant surgery is pretty steep. With the recent advancements of FUE techniques even as an experienced doctor who is following older concepts and doesn’t update himself with current advancements could also be a bad choice. So you would need to find a doctor who has at least ten years under his belt doing HT surgeries and is updated with current concepts.
Clinic staff:
A single stick would break, but a bundle of sticks would not break-unity is strength is a lesson that we learn from our childhood days and the principal works good even for HT surgery. Teamwork is always better than a single surgeon doing his duty and attending OPs. Also, a team spearheaded by an experienced doctor with a team of young surgeons would be a great combination as the experiences and techniques are passed down to the next generation so that the patient is benefited from all the wisdom. Also dividing the work among colleagues would create a healthy working atmosphere, like-minded doctors working together towards a common goal will bring the best outcome for the patient.
Clinic’s staff Friendliness:
When you visit any HT Center, you will be greeted by a cheerful face that gets you to your person and will be explaining to you with the details of the procedure. At this point, you would be eager to know the details and would ask any doubts that you have. But actually what you gave me a chance to talk about? Most of the centres here employ a person who is not a doctor and will be talking like a parrot about the change he knows, but when you confront him with any doubts regarding the details of the procedure, he may not be able to answer all of them. So the first thing to check is whether you’re talking to a doctor and all your doubts are being cleared. Taking time to explain my new details to the patient separates the best history clinic from the others.
The aesthetic/artistic expertise of the surgeon:
Hair transplant surgeons must have aesthetic expertise to place the grafts according to the patient’s profile, age, and gender. The hair restoration procedure is said to be 60% of artistic skills and other scientific approaches because the steps of creating a hairline design and implanting the graft on a bald part require extraordinary artistic skills that only a hair transplant specialist can do. To achieve the best aesthetic results from this procedure.
During implantation, with the utmost care and attention, the follicle unit/graft is the hair transplant surgeon’s primary responsibility to provide the patient with the best natural appearance. Hairline design is the best aesthetic hair transplant that has to be done at the right angle and right direction. It is very important to place the graft in a zigzag pattern so that the hair restoration on the bald area looks like it has grown naturally. The hairline design requires the surgeon to define a specific directional line according to the patient’s facial profile to achieve the best hair transplant procedure.
Reputation among patients based on previous experience:
In the world of Internet-based searching, reviews play a vital role in pinpointing your choice For the best HT surgery centre. I hope after browsing the internet for almost 20 years, we now could make out the difference between an honest review and a fake one. An honest reviewer would mention names, dates, his feelings towards a particular service/object and tries to explain in detail. In contrast, a fake reviewer would brush the edges; it does not bother about the personal connection which the honest reviewer has. Be it good or bad, and honest review always matters as it would bring a change in the system. So next time when you see more reviews in less time, think twice about it because the owner may be pumping them to bring their rating of. Honest reviews are steady; they do not have a surge in a short period and stop all at once. Faith and reliability don’t come overnight.
Technology used:
The hair transplant procedure is very sophisticated, which makes the results even better. In this case, the Clinic must have the latest technology and methods for carrying out surgery. That way, you can get the high-quality results you want.
Check the success rate of the Clinic:
Another way to know that you made the right choice is to check the success rate. This will tell you how many patients have been treated and whether they have achieved your desired results.
Maintenance of data:
Data security for all patients is very important. Personal and medical information must be stored securely. Adequate records should be available, which should be carefully monitored not to misuse relevant patient information.
The gold standard in all of these criteria is seeing or talking to a previously operated patient assessing their results first-hand. Most often, clinics would not allow talking to their clients, citing personal confidentiality reasons. But there would still be some patience, I would be more than willing to share the details and would like to give you a personal review. If the centre can provide you with such details or if you can meet someone at the CLINIC who had his surgery done at the time of your visit would be wonderful as such information would be priceless.
The cheapest is not always the best.
The cost of HT surgery is another vast topic which can tilt the scales to either side. It depends on a lot of factors like the surgeon’s experience, a team of surgeons, instruments used, techniques used, the success rate of the transplanted patients; etc. An experienced surgeon never charges less than he knows his worth. As discussed earlier, more doctors working on one patient escalates the cost, but at the same time, the patient is being benefited with all the wisdom. Local instruments come at a much lesser cost but do not have precision while working with them. So imported instruments add up to the cost factor.
In an ever-evolving field of science, keeping update with recent advancements needs constant training also using indigenous techniques which produce better results will be charged premium. In the end, all good things come with a price tag; you need to be vigilant enough to understand what is good for you and not fall for scams. Scams can be really bad. Some of the well-known scams are based on the number of grafts. The centre may promise you for 2000 grafts, but to remove those 2000 grafts, they may damage around 4000 follicles. At this point, you are at a significant loss because once the precious donor is lost, it will never grow back. Some others may put 2000 grafts and say that they have placed 4000 grafts. In both these cases, you are paying for 4000 grafts, but you are getting 2000 grafts.
In short, anybody going through this article, be vigilant about all the things that are mentioned here and choose what is best for you. Hope most of the doubts are cleared regarding finding the best Hair Transplant Centre in this diligent effort.
Hairsure Clinic surgeons hope you have found this post useful. If you have any questions about hair, please contact the Hairsure clinic. You can call us at + 094940 20202; we will be more than happy to assist you. Thank you for the valuable time you spent reading this article.