Many people look forward to the rainy season since it is frequently seen as a time of regeneration and restoration. It relieves the oppressive summer heat, provides life-sustaining water, and with vibrant colours. The rainy season is a true gift from nature since it brings bountiful growth and beauty while relieving the oppressive heat.
The beauty of renewal, growth, and tranquilly are all present during the rainy season, a time of great natural beauty. It revitalises our surroundings, offers happiness, and encourages a sense of kinship with the natural world. The rainy season serves as a reminder of the value of embracing the various seasons of life and discovering beauty in every moment, whether amid the soft embrace of rainfall or the warm summer sun. So let’s rejoice in the wonders of the rainy season and welcome it with open arms.
Due to increased humidity and other environmental conditions, men and women frequently suffer changes in their hair during the rainy season. During this time, oily hair and hair loss may be issues.
Reasons for the increase in hair loss during monsoon:
The rise in hair loss does not directly result from the wet season. However, some elements related to the wet season can cause hair loss.
Here are a few explanations for why hair loss can seem to be increasing in the rainy season:
Increased Humidity: During the rainy season, high humidity can cause the scalp to become overly moist. Dandruff may be caused by a climate that encourages the growth of bacteria and fungi on the scalp. These illnesses might result in temporary hair shedding due to the inflammation and itching they produce.
Scalp infections: Because of the wet and muggy weather, bacterial and fungal diseases, including dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, and scalp acne, may become more common. These illnesses may erode hair follicle strength and cause hair loss.
Excessive Oiliness: During the rainy season, humidity and sweat can lead to an oily scalp. Overproduction of oil can block hair follicles, weakening the roots of the hair and increasing hair loss.
Lack of sunshine: Lower vitamin D levels may be caused by less sunshine exposure during the rainy season. Hair health is influenced by vitamin D, and a lack of it can result in thinning or hair loss.
Hair Care Routines: During the rainy season, some people may change their hair care routine, such as washing their hair less regularly or failing to dry it thoroughly. These actions might exacerbate hair loss problems by causing a buildup of sweat, oil, and filth on the scalp.
It’s crucial to remember that hair loss occurs naturally as part of the hair growth cycle and that an average person loses between 50 and 100 hairs per day. However, it’s advised to see a doctor or dermatologist for a proper evaluation and recommendations if you see severe hair fall persisting over the rainy season or if you have worries about the condition of your hair. They can assist in determining the underlying reasons for hair loss and suggest suitable therapies or lifestyle changes.
Diet to be followed during the rainy season:
Regardless of the season, a balanced and nourishing diet is essential for encouraging healthy hair growth and minimising hair loss.
Focus on consuming the following nutrients to maintain the health of your hair throughout the rainy season:
Protein: Include enough protein in your diet since protein makes up the majority of hair. Lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and plant-based sources like tofu and quinoa are all excellent protein sources.
Iron: An iron deficiency can cause hair loss. Foods high in iron include lean meats like chicken and turkey, beans, nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables (such as spinach and kale).
Omega-3 fatty acids: These beneficial fats support scalp health and feed hair follicles. Include chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, and fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines.
Vitamin C: This vitamin helps the body absorb iron and encourages the creation of collagen, both of which are necessary for having healthy hair. Excellent sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers, and dark leafy greens.
Biotin: Vitamin B7 biotin, often known as is crucial for promoting healthy hair development. Include whole grains, legumes, sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, eggs, and other healthy items.
Zinc: Zinc promotes hair development and keeps the scalp healthy. Oysters, lean meat, poultry, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains are high in zinc.
Vitamin E: This antioxidant vitamin aids in preventing oxidative stress from damaging the hair follicles. To get a good amount of vitamin E, include almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach, broccoli, and avocados.
Vitamin A: Vitamin A encourages the production of sebum, which maintains the scalp’s moisture. Consume foods high in vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale, and eggs.
Silica: Silica preserves the flexibility and strength of hair. It can be found in foods like strawberries, oats, brown rice, bell peppers, cucumbers, and bell pepper juice.
Water: Keep yourself hydrated by consuming enough water throughout the day. For maintaining healthy hair and a scalp, hydration is crucial.
Always remember to modify your diet depending on your unique nutritional requirements and any underlying medical concerns by speaking with a medical expert or qualified dietitian. They can offer personalised advice and solutions to address your worries about hair loss.
We at Cyber HairSure, are committed to providing matchless services to all our patients. All your concerns regarding hair problems can be flawlessly sorted at Cyber HairSure Advanced Hair Transplant Clinic, guaranteeing that you will be left with smiles that won’t fall again. Walk into Cyber HairSure and walk back with the look that you desire. Call 040 49540202 / 8331020202 or email us at to book your consultation. Visit our website, Hair Transplant Clinic, to know more.