How fast does hair grow is a common question hair transplant patients ask themselves. Contrary to popular belief, the results of hair transplants are indirect. There are specific growth patterns and timelines that contain all the answers about how fast hair grows. The recovery process, the fruit of waiting, lasts 12 months, with the slightest changes gradually accumulating towards the final picture. The progress plan, the schedule for hair growth after hair transplant, is characterized by standard sporadic stages that serve a specific purpose in the growth cycle.
Successful development relies on knowledge and understanding of hair growth basics, which can ease your worries during the change process and help organize your schedule by sharing future progress dates.
Let us see this article to know How much time it takes for transplanted hair to grow?
How does the FUE / FUT hair transplant work?
Follicular unit transplant (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) are the two main methods that provide hair transplant results. Both are highly effective hair restoration techniques offered at Hairsure Clinic Hyderabad. Over the last decade, hair transplantation has progressed, giving patients a more natural look with new hair growth.
Gone are the days of patients worrying that other people might see “plugs” of hair. The main difference between the FUE / FUT hair transplant technique is how the collected hair follicles are extracted. Before FUE was developed, the main method was FUT, also known as the “strip method”. Healthy hair follicles are extracted from pieces of skin on the back of the scalp. This can produce great, natural-looking results, but unlike FUE, it is more invasive and requires a longer healing process.
Hair transplant with FUE is less invasive and does not cause scars. During the consultation, the donor area will be determined to extract the healthiest and most vital hair follicles. After the donor area has been prepared, a micro-incision is made in a hole the size of a pinhead to remove the follicle graft, usually in clusters of 1 to 4 hairs. Then, with the art of surgery, doctors will select the strongest and healthiest follicles for the implantation process to shape future hair growth successfully. The grafts are strategically placed one at a time for density and a natural-looking result.
How long will a hair transplant take?
It Depends on:
- Degree of baldness: This affects the number of grafts and grafts implanted. Therefore, the time will vary depending on the number of hair follicles needed to cover the bald area. The length of time increases with the number of grafts required.
- Surgeon experience: Skilled hands take less time and will perform clean procedures based on years of experience. If the end goal is natural hair that looks good, then a very good surgeon is needed.
- The technique is chosen: Depending on the graft harvesting technique, the duration of the procedure may vary. If the FUT procedure is performed, extraction of the hair follicle will take 4 to 6 hours to extract 3,500 grafts. However, in FUE, grafts are extracted with an instant tool, the process takes longer than about 6 to 8 hours.
For extreme baldness, where the combined FUT and FUE technique is used, the operating time can be as high as 7 to 9 hours.
How long will it take to see the results of the hair transplant?
Hair loss in certain areas can be very scary for both men and women. While some people may notice subtle changes in their appearance over time, others may experience more severe hair loss due to stress, medications, genetics, some hair products, and more. In both FUE / FUT hair transplant techniques, there is a healing period and restoration of the accumulated follicles. Several weeks after the procedure, part of the newly transplanted hair will fall out, which is normal. Although the exact timeline will vary from patient to patient, most people will notice new hair growth after about 3-4 months and final results after 12 months. Between 12 and 18 months after the procedure, most patients experienced longer progression as the thickness and texture of the newly grown hair grafts increased.
Growth of hair transplant hair after two weeks
Hair fall is desirable at this point, and it is important to note that the separation of the structure of only the hair whose essential part, the root follicle, is intact and safe.
Hair shedding creates a place for new hair structures to form, which are always healthier. Therefore, from about fourteen days to a month, there will not be any more exceptional changes.
Hair growth four months after hair transplant
The hair where hair falls begins growing, but it cannot penetrate the scalp because it is not strengthened enough, causing a skin condition known as folliculitis. Most likely, the pimples will fade away within a few days. However, you can visit your doctor for quick treatment if the discomfort is unbearable for you.
Some patients may mistake folliculitis for infection. However, to avoid confusion, the infection will be accompanied by other symptoms of inflammation, which gradually worsen over time. Meanwhile, folliculitis and its indications improve within ten days.
Hair growth eight months after hair transplant
Between 4 and 8 months, hair begins to grow at a higher density than before. As a result, some hair lacks pigmentation and looks brittle, but the hair structure improves in pigmentation and strength.
How fast does hair grow – 12 months later
After eight months have passed, the hair growth has become more noticeable, and the growth rate has also increased. The hair won’t change drastically in a year. At that time, you will finally see the final result of the operation. Smaller adjustments can take up to several months.
The hair growth after a hair transplant is very simple. During the first two weeks, the transplanted hair begins to fall. However, this is nothing to worry about. Regrowth starts soon after and can cause folliculitis after about four months. It will fade over a period of getting replaced by brittle, non-pigmented hair after four months of surgery. Surgery after eight months, the hair gradually became thicker and darker. The final pattern of hair growth also became clear to patients after eight months. All significant changes will stop within one year, and the result will be a full strand of hair.
To learn more about how the FUE / FUT hair transplant procedure works, contact our Hair Sure Clinic today at +91-40- 83 31 02 02 02 and book your face-to-face consultation with a doctor. During your meeting, they will answer additional questions, listen to your aesthetic needs and explain how each hair loss treatment works. It will also determine which FUE / FUT hair transplant technique is best for optimal results. We love hearing from them.