Winter brings in the joy of holidays. Everyone plans their winter activities and vacations well in advance. We start cosying up in soft cushiony blankets and sweaters. This is also the time to protect ourselves from cold. Whilst we do a good job of protecting our bodies from cold, we often ignore “the hair”. Winter causes dryness of your lips, skin and, of course, your hair! In winter, people experience both hair and scalp problems the most. But is it true that hair fall increases in the winter? This blog lets us understand hair loss in women, especially in the cold weather, and what hair care one should take.
Hair Fall In Winters
The weather outside in winter is dry and sucks out all the moisture from your scalp, leading to hair and scalp problems. Due to dry air, your scalp dries out too, which in turn causes dandruff and makes your scalp itchy and smelly. A dry scalp causes dandruff, which in turn contributes to hair fall. Technically, in winter, the hydrogen bonds in your hair strands become weak, resulting in dry hair, breakage, and split ends. So one can easily understand that “yes” hair fall does increase in winter !!!
But should one live with it? Not needed!!! A proper winter hair care regime will help you control and reduce it.
Hair Loss prevention and care for winters
Moisturise your scalp and hair!
Since the cause of hair fall in winter is largely dry weather, to revive your hair, you need to moisturise it!
One can opt for hot oil massages to help your hair stay hydrated and healthy.
Deep conditioning at least once a week will also help.
Use a hair mask in combination with an Anti-Dandruff product to keep your dandruff in control and ensure a healthy scalp.
Steam your hair as it has many benefits and can help you regain hair strength, reduce dullness and increase moisture content in your hair strands and scalp. Taking steam opens hair follicles and makes them smooth and shiny.
A good hair spa once a month is good for your hair and greatly relaxes you.
Hair packs:-
Yogurt & Lemon Juice:
- Squeeze about a teaspoon of lemon in a bowl of yoghurt and mix.
- Apply a healthy portion of this mask from the scalp to the mid-lengths, let it do its work for half an hour, and rinse the hair. This is a natural conditioner.
Yogurt & Neem Leaves:
- Crush a few neem leaves in a blender and extract the juice.
- Mix this juice with a bowl of yoghurt, and apply the mask from your scalp till mid-lengths.
- Rinse after half an hour. Due to the antifungal properties of neem, it helps fight fungal infections on the scalp caused by dandruff. Yoghurt is a natural conditioner.
Neem Leaves & Coconut Oil:
- Boil a few neem leaves in a bowl of coconut oil till they infuse.
- Apply the oil from your scalp till mid-lengths while it is still warm, and massage the hair.
- Apply it two hours before rinsing.
Neem’s antifungal properties fight against fungus on the scalp caused by dandruff. The itchiness and smell of the scalp also reduce. Coconut oil is a good moisturiser for the scalp and strands.
Avoid hot water to wash your hair !!!
Though a hot water bath in winter is highly desirable, it is often the reverse for your hair. Very hot water will strip the moisture from the hair. Use lukewarm water in winter to wash your hair. If you want a hot shower for the body, tie your hair in a bun or wear a shower cap before taking a hot shower and relax without worrying about damaging your hair.
Avoid heat-styling!
Embrace your natural locks this winter! One session of Heat-styling can ruin all your hard work to moisturise and revive your hair. Hair loses moisture, and the heat breaks chemical bonds on your strands, resulting in breakage and split ends.
Eat Well, Sleep Well, and Stay Well!
A healthy diet and proper beauty sleep are key for overall health and your body’s ability to create new hair follicles. A nutritious and vitamin-rich meal can help your hair withstand the winter cold. A diet rich in vitamins B and B12 is good for healthy hair growth. Vitamin A helps produce sebum in the scalp, whereas vitamin E stimulates healthy blood circulation in the scalp. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated from within. Consuming water prevents split ends and brittle hair, nurturing shiny, radiant hair.
Other causes of hair loss
Stress and nutritional deficiencies affect the hair. Our trichologist at HairSure International can help you keep your strands lustrous and healthy. A simple blood test can help your doctor rule out systemic diseases that might be causing your hair and scalp’s condition.
We at HairSure International believe in prevention is better than cure. Most of our patients ask us about seasonal hair care. Some simple hair remedies and a healthy diet can help maintain the moisture content of the hair. Follow the measures outlined in this blog and plan your winter vacation with peace of mind. Visit our website or reach us on 040-42020202, 9494020202 and