We all often love sporting those fancy hairstyles, don’t we? People with curls love straightened hair, the ones with straight hair love perms and curls and so goes the story. If not styles, most of us at least use a dryer to get out of the slick, wet look.
If you think you are doing your hair a favour by making it looks good, then think twice.
Overusing such styling tools might cause something called bubble deformity. What exactly is this, though?
What is Bubble Deformity?
All hair fibers contain air-filled spaces called Vacuoles. Most of these vacuoles get filled with water when the hair is wet. When exposed to increased amounts of heat, the water in the vacuoles evaporate and the spaces fill up with gas.
Excessive use of hair dryers and also hair straighteners exposes the scalp to temperatures up to 230 degrees Celsius which causes a hair-shaft deformity in people.
One of the most common hair shaft deformities is the Bubble Hair Deformity which is diagnosed under microscopic lens.
Once the hair shaft is seen under the lens a number of bubble like lesions are seen on the hair shaft which are originally gas-filled cavities created as a result of rapid evaporation of moisture within the hair shaft.
Nowadays, women and men use hair straighteners as well as hair dryers more often than they actually need. Continuous exposure of the hair shaft to increased amounts of heat, increases the level of bubbling which eventually results in the weakening of the hair shaft and increases its fragility by the day.
The increase in number of vacuoles getting filled with gas makes the hair shaft fragile and ultimately results in excessive dryness of the hair, withering and also patchy loss of hair due to the fragility.
Symptoms of Bubble Hair Deformity:
The main symptoms of this hair deformity are:
- Dryness of hair
- Withering of hair
- Patchy loss of hair
- Loss of hair in clumps
- Stiff and rough hair
Prevention and Cure:
There is no cure for bubble deformity. Once the damage is done, it is almost permanent. The only thing a person can work on is prevention. This kind of prevention even though, post damage can prevent further damage, withering and improve the fragility of the scalp.
The first and foremost prevention method, is not using any electrical appliances on the hair which emits increased amounts of heat. Usage of appliances like hair straightener, hair dryer to a name a few, should be controlled or eliminated completely so as to improve the condition of the hair shaft.
All in all, Bubble Hair is purely a result of thermal injury. Heat is the primary cause which results in splitting of hair and weakening the hair shaft. Even though this is a very common condition, most people are not aware of this, as it is rarely diagnosed and should get checked by expert Trichologists(Hair experts) as soon as possible to avoid further damage.
About The Clinic:
HairSure is one of the leading hair clinics at Habsiguda, Hyderabad and we have the best hair transplant surgeons in Hyderabad practising at HairSure. Trichologists at the HairSure clinic are experts in hair transplantation and PRP treatment etc. Two of our leading doctors are known to be the best trichologists in Hyderabad.