Times have changed. Men have now become increasingly conscious about their looks – from their clothes to their accessories and hairstyles, men are not far behind when it comes to fashion.
Now, one thing that many men are articular about is their hair. Naturally, therefore, if they experience hair loss, they start panicking. There are only a few people who can make bald look cool, after all.
So, if you are experiencing hair loss that’s make you lose sleep, you are not alone.
Climate is one of the factors that affect the health of your hair along with health in total. So it becomes essential to put more efforts to keep yourself healthy to bring that luster and shine in your hair.
But what to do when things don’t work out?
What if your hair falls off?
You might probably want to know more about how to prevent it from falling off, and try some handy treatment options for hair loss. But do you really think trying medicines and treatments randomly will help?
Did you ever imagine what could be causing hair loss in your case?
Do you have Male pattern baldness?
Male pattern baldness is a condition quite commonly called androgenic alopecia. Previously this condition was thought to be caused by a sex linked recessive gene but recent studies show that there is no such predilection and can also skip generations.
Each hair strand on your head has a growth cycle that gets weakened as a result of this gene effect and also there is a byproduct of Testosterone hormone called DHT ( Di Hydroxy Testosterone) also assists this process in people having this gene, resulting in male pattern baldness. The hair follicles start to shrink, and produce shorter and thinner hair strands which are brittle and lifeless. Eventually, this shrinkage of the follicle leads to the end of the growth cycle, and stops new hair growth.
What are the stages of male pattern balding?
Although there are various types of hair loss patterns, not always does hair loss refer to having male pattern baldness. Hair loss can be caused due to scalp problems, or certain medications and habits which can be treated with medications, home remedies, and some lifestyle changes being adopted. But when it com es to stages of hair loss, it’s more to do with those who have a genetic carryover of androgenic alopecia. So, the difference is quite evident.
Understanding stages of hair loss
Male pattern baldness usually takes on a particular pattern or shape in which the hair falls off and can easily be recognised as a comparison to hair fall due to other reasons like pollution and scalp conditions.
Stage 1: In the initial stages there is absolutely no hair loss on the crown of the head or at the hairline where the hair growth starts.
Stage 2: The second stage of male pattern baldness shows the progression with the beginning of a receding hairline slightly above the upper brow crease on the forehead. However, the hair loss at this stage of male pattern baldness is quite mild.
Stage 3: The third stage of male pattern baldness is the one that is evident enough to become a concern. This stage involves the hairline receding in a particular fashion. For men it starts on the sides of the temples making an “M” shape on the crown of the head.
Stage 4: The fourth stage is when the hair fall starts to deepen at the front of the forehead in the temple areas. Hair loss at the crown of the head becomes more visible.
Stage 5: This stage predominantly marks the beginning of severe hair loss. There is a separation between the loss of hair at the hairline and the crown. The strip or band of hair between the two areas becomes thinner and narrower as the condition progresses.
Stage 6: The sixth stage of male pattern hair loss has most of the hair from the crown completely lost with a few sparse strands of hair left. The remaining hair forms a horseshoe shape around the balding area in the center of the scalp.
Stage 7: The seventh stage of male pattern baldness leaves just the remaining hair on the backside of the scalp. This is because the hair in that area of the scalp is usually denser than the other areas.
However, this leftover hair also becomes thin and gradually falls off over a period.
Although hair loss in men and women vary to a large extent, the stages are all the same. It’s just the area and the pattern in which hair fall progresses in each individual that makes it different. So, if you have been diagnosed male or female pattern baldness, or you’re not sure if it’s genetic, write to us at hairsure123@gmail.com, and our experts will help you with the best possible solutions. If not, you can always visit us or book an appointment. Either way, we will help your hair get better.
About The Clinic
HairSure is one of the leading hair clinics at Habsiguda, Hyderabad and we have the best hair transplant surgeons in Hyderabad practising at HairSure. Trichologists at the HairSure clinic are experts in hair transplantation and PRP treatment etc. Two of our leading doctors are known to be the best trichologists in Hyderabad.